It occurred to me it's been a long while since I've had a proper Sunday lie-in. I honestly think it's the psychological effect of the pandemic. That feeling something should be getting done and something needs to be accomplished on a daily basis. I think that's the effect some of us have experienced while others have or had taken to the couch or stayed in bed days on end without a thought. During "normal times" a day staying in bed for a few extra hours, or even the entire day, never seemed to bother me. It was a luxury. But then again, during "normal times" to have an extra day or the time to spend leisurely in bed was well deserved after an exhausting work week. That guilt from feeling lazy didn't even come into play. On a normal work schedule that lazy day is desperately needed to recoup and re-energize for the next set of busy and grueling days ahead.
So what does one do with countless days ahead of them with no set schedule to adhere to daily? Well, considering some people have had to work from home and stating since working from home they are actually working more and not less, I'm not going to complain too much or at all for that matter. Honestly, I'm not complaining but not having any schedule at all, or routine in place is probably just as arduous as having a busy and grueling work schedule. Many of us by design are used to having a daily routine and only a couple of days set for leisure. When those routines are upset we either end up becoming incredibly lazy and/or unable to concentrate or function. Or we become superbeings able to work on several tasks at once without blinking an eye. But sadly some of those superbeings discovered although they've used multitasking as a tool to fill undefined large amounts of time they soon realized none of those tasks has been seen to completion.
As kids, maybe as early as 4 or 5, we begin to learn the daily routine of life. Waking up, getting dressed, eating breakfast and heading out the door. Didn't matter where we were going but we knew we were going somewhere. Either to a sitter, school or the grandparents house while our parents went to the places they had to go. Then after 5 days of that, we spent Saturdays running around everywhere our parents dragged us because this was the only day they had time to do the shopping, meet friends for lunch or dinner along with a list of various other errands and activities. Saturdays were action days. And then came Sunday!!!
Sundays! Oh how much I love a Sunday! There's something about Sundays that are special to me. Maybe it's because as a child that was the day I knew anyone rarely left the house - except maybe in the summer months - and everyone just did their own things. So Sundays became that special "Me" day where I decided when I wanted to wake up. I was left on my own to decide if I would lay in front of the television all day or play with my toys. I didn't even have to get out of my pajamas. I could just lay about and got to eat breakfast whenever and wherever I wanted. Even breakfast in bed if I wanted. It was also the day you smelled all through the house the aromas coming from the kitchen where Sunday dinner was being prepared. So not only was it a special day for chilling but also a special day for a sit-down Sunday dinner at the table.
Most of us grew up this way. Our habits tend to be very linear to each other. But when those habits have a shift we kinda deal with them in non-linear ways. Meaning we either become the slug or the hummer. As in, hummingbirds moving swiftly place to place. Some go back and forth between being a slug and a hummer. For me, I think I became the hummingbird moving around and giving myself several tasks to accomplish each day not allowing myself to become the slug. Even though I missed my Sunday lie in's I still didn't take the time to indulge because maybe I felt every day lately could be a Sunday.
But every day isn't Sunday, is it? Maybe it's a mental thing. But if it's a mental thing for me then it is for many other people around the world. I've spent Sundays in many places around the globe and I have to say a Sunday in Zurich resembles a Sunday in Paris. A Sunday in China is similar to a Sunday in Europe. It seems Sundays have been a day of peace and reset for many of us. The special day we have a lie-in, watch some telly and leisurely eat some breakfast. Maybe, and that's a big maybe, we change out of our pajamas. We may even plan a nice leisurely walk or brunch with friends. No matter the plan Sunday's are the day we leisurely do what we want and recharge how we see fit. Some people that work on Sunday's don't particularly like working Sundays and would opt out if they could.
So when I woke up this Sunday morning and began the new routine I'd developed of getting dressed to start some daily tasks I decided to backtrack and take my Sundays back. I took off the shorts and t-shirt I'd gotten dressed into and I slipped on one of my Natori loungewear sets. I love loungewear! I am a big fan of Natori loungewear and sleep sets. I think every woman should have some gorgeous lounging wear reminiscent of the 1920s in her arsenal. Putting on loungewear sorta sets the tone for me that it's going to be a chilled day with no intention of stepping outside. So I put on my loungewear, made a snack and crawled back in bed where I intend on staying until Monday morning. Even though I'm writing this story it's not at a table with me fully dressed. I'm sitting here looking out my bedroom windows, my lemon water on my bedside table, plumped up by several pillows, legs, tucked under my all-white bedding consisting of high thread count sheets, comforter and a quilt - very cozy - listening at this very moment to George Michael "Amazing." I do feel amazing! And on that note, I'm going to dance my way back to the kitchen, make myself another snack and will return to my plush fluffy white cloud for a much anticipated exciting "Come Dine With Me" marathon.
Happy Sunday!!
Take Care
My Sunday Work Station

Sunday Snack

Sunday Fashion Reads

Yes it is! Thank you Carol for all your supporting reading my blog. 😘
I can certainly agree that growing older WELL is an accomplishment.