Let's talk, cook, eat and live!

July 31, 2020
This morning as I performed my morning chores I turned on the speaker and set the music on shuffle. In the midst of hanging clothes, sorting out my closet. putting clothes in the washer, hanging clothes to dry and all the other boring activities we must do to keep ourselves and households in order, a song from a band I discovered while in Amsterdam began to play. As I listened to the song and sang along with the lyrics it reminded me of the day I first heard them perform and how taken aback I was at the sound of his voice, the words of the lyrics and the melody's played by the band. I became more in awe when I learned all the songs were original and written by the band. Then I found out the band was scheduled to play every Sunday for that month of February during an event called "The Big Hunger Sessions." GREAT!!! That's all I needed to know. I booked myself in Amsterdam for the remaining two Sundays and I was set to experience a musical journey.
So from the beginning...It was a Sunday afternoon in Amsterdam and I decided to check out a place that was recommended called Cafe De Prins. Cafe De Prins is a small cafe in Amsterdam which features local Dutch cuisine, has a cool European atmosphere, small and intimate and as I discovered hosted a music session for the entire month of February. The sessions featured an array of musical talent singing and performing a lot of their own original music which is always exciting. The sessions were organized by a group named The Big Hunger and titled "The Big Hunger Sessions." Now, generally I'm cautious about listening to music in such a small venue. I find sometimes the noise isn't balanced and it's just extremely loud and overpowering. Cautious optimism would be how I would describe how I approached my plans for a Sunday of music and food. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised how the music was audible and clear but the noise level was very balanced. But let's talk about the music!!!! I was immediately in awe of the musical talents in front of me. Plus I loved every song...how unusual is it to love or at least like every original song played by one band? They also featured another Dutch artist named Celine Cairo. Oh my gosh!!!! Amazing artist and talent that sings and writes music. One of my favorite songs she sang in the cafe that day is called "Frozen Waters." Needless to say I downloaded Celine Cairo's album, but I had to wait a few months before The Big Hunger released their first album. Unfortunately I've been unable to find any new music recorded by The Big Hunger but I'm keeping my eye out.
So this morning as I listened to "Tear Down the Walls" by The Big Hunger I thought about that day, my trips to Amsterdam, which also made me think about how I relate music with travel. I thought about the many artists and music I've discovered while traveling. I remember discovering I like the music of Vanessa Paradis who before hand only knew as Mrs. Depp. Music, as with travel, really broadens the mind. It's interesting how in different cultures music has very distinct sounds and rhythms. But it's also interesting to note how music is intertwined in every culture. I can't think of anyone, anywhere, any culture or society that doesn't love and embrace music. Music is global!!
During my travels I have been so fortunate to have been able to attend jazz festivals in Brussels and Mallorca. Sunday in the mountains of Italy at a little cafe on top of a hill listening to music performed by three locals. Laying on the beach listening to a reggae band play while simultaneously listening to the waves and the people swimming in the water. Listening to German music at any German beer garden in Germany while also enjoying German beer and food. A cafe in Zurich on another Sunday afternoon listening to a local band when one by one all the couples stood from their seats and began dancing. And I have to note these were older people at the prime of their lives living and loving. That's the way to spend a Sunday isn't it!! I hope we all live a full life and midway still be able to enjoy the music and dance.
Traveling in itself doesn't broaden the mind unless you delve a little into the local culture and activities. Many times for me it's the food and also the music. When I'm traveling and I hear a song that's new to me - both artist and song - thanks to Shazam I can now download and take the music home. So now each time one of those songs plays on my Itunes library not only am I experiencing the joy of the music, but also the memory attached "I remember where I was when I first heard this song." My travels and my music are forever intertwined. I cannot imagine a life without travel. Nor can I imagine a life without music. I'm so looking forward to next year and planning a trip with friends to celebrate and enjoy our mutual love of travel, food, music and friendships. So here's to looking forward to new travels and a lot of new music to heal our tired minds and souls!
Take care