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Transitioning to F/W 2020
Well the end of September is here and we all know what that means. Summer is officially over. In America Labor Day weekend marks the last of the summer time celebrations. The past few weeks I've noticed the sun is setting earlier and earlier which is always the sad reminder summer is coming to a close. In the next coming weeks we will feel the changes in the weather. Experiencing varying temperature changes of warm one day, chilly the next until one day we are thrust into the gripping arms of winter. Depending on what part of the world you live, winter is endless days of grey skies, cold winds and darkness before 5pm. Gone are the days of feeling free to leave the house in nothing but a tank top, shorts, sandals and enjoying what seems like endless hours of sunshine. That feeling of being free and unencumbered from sweaters, jackets, coats, hats, gloves and scarfs is coming to an end. Soon we will be facing the long cold days of winter and even the quickest pop to the shop will require a ten minute multi-layer build a bear process.
Side note: I used to think I hated Christmas shopping. Why? Why would I hate Christmas shopping, because I actually love the holidays. Even though I do not shop often I actually do love to shop. I realized it's not the shopping I hate, it's all the lugging of winter clothing and shopping bags from store to store. As I move from one store to another it's a total strip down upon entering, and then having to lug the hat, scarf and heavy coat around while trying to hold on to the shopping bags whilst maneuvering through the crowds of people also buggered down with a pile of their stuff. Then before leaving, having to strip up all the items before venturing back onto the cold and crowded blustering streets. It's maddening!
But the changing of seasons brings forth new promise. A promise of a new day and new activities. The promise of winter holidays and family get-togethers. But more importantly the promise of a new wardrobe. I love a summer dress but I also love the feeling of a cozy sweater. While living in a place of constant year round sunshine and warm weather is very appealing, especially as I get older, I often wonder "When would I get to wear my coats and boots!?" I love how the air smells and feels when in transition from one season to the next. I love the transitioning weather for slowly introducing into the wardrobe those items left behind for the past 4-5 months.
During the summer months some of us, lovers of fashion, already began planning our F/W 2020 wardrobes. We've been scanning the media for F/W 2020 and planning what items we will pull out of our wardrobes or what items we need to shop for to update our winter looks. I like to stick close to classic styles that are timeless and can be worn over and over, year after year. I will look to current trends for S/S and F/W for a few pieces to add to the wardrobe, as opposed to having trends dictate my entire wardrobe. The difference is being on trend but not trendy. Trendy is great for the twenty and thirty somethings that are experimenting and discovering their fashion truths. But the closer one begins to inch towards their 40's and 50's trendy can actually make one look...well trendy as opposed to stylish. So what does F/W 2020 look like?
The Top Ten Fashion Trends F/W 2020
Leather Coats
Layering Leather
Cut Outs
Dramatic Sleeves
Shearling Outerwear
So now that we've seen the list for what is trending F/W 2020 we can move along. Let's get to what I like to wear in the winter. Looking good is important, but it's winter, so warmth for me is essential. Not that there haven't been occasions where I suffered for fashion wearing bare legs and strappy shoes in the middle of winter because I hate stockings but that sort of sacrifice is rare and requires car to door service. I walk a lot to get to the places I'm going around London so living here has taught me I have to take a practical approach to fashion especially in the winter.
It's interesting actually. Even though fashion is global it's often translated differently depending on the country you live. In the US we spend most days driving to work, sitting at a desk and then driving back home. Even on the weekends running errands pretty much looks the same. Drive to your destination and then a drive back home. In Europe, unless you live in the countryside which has its own set of dress codes, most people walk everywhere or take some sort of public transport which still requires a good deal of walking. This often translates into slightly different ways of looking fashionable. The many years I've traveled throughout Europe and around the UK I always found it fascinating how chic a chunky black boot, flat by the way, looked with everything from a frilly dress to trousers. The European and English girls wrote the book on how to look fashionably chic in practical fashions. So over the years I've taken many cues from them.
First let's start with tights. Black tights are a staple in the fall and winter months. Second, a good pair of leather boots made for walking. Actually I learned this tip from an ex. After watching me on many occasions struggling to keep up in my 3 1/2 inch heels, struggling to navigate the cobblestone roads in a small town we often visited on the weekends, he bought me my first two pairs of beautifully crafted English style leather boots. I resisted at first because how could I walk around without a heel. I'm only 5' 2' and I need an advantage. But I have to say after feeling the freedom a flat boot offers I've never looked back.
So needless to say latex won't be on my F/W 2020 fashion do list. For more reasons than one. Neither will cut outs and dramatic sleeves. Although I must say I love a cut out and won't turn my lip up from a dramatic sleeve during the warm months. But the struggle to get in my coat I just can't be bothered. A good velvet blazer and pants suit is a fashion dream to me. Then paired with fringe??!! Yep, that's me all the way. That's tugging at my inner 70's fashion goddess! So I'll be pulling out my shearling coat I got on sale at the end of last season piling it on top of some leather pants, sweaters and boots. But since color is very popular this winter don't be surprised if you find me in a brightly colored velvet suit! If only I could find one in orange or pink! OHHHHH, that would be FABulous! Don't judge me. I'm a 70's fashion girl at heart. So I may even take a twirl in a cape!
Take Care